thieves and robbers造句


  1. Their duties included apprehending thieves and robbers and capturing runaway slaves.
  2. Slota called Slovakia's Gypsy minority " thieves and robbers ."
  3. Why don't you reward companies that innovate and not thieves and robbers.
  4. He also called Slovakia's Gypsy minority " thieves and robbers ."
  5. You re dealing with a culture of thieves and robbers . The Arab destroys everything he touches.
  6. It's difficult to find thieves and robbers in a sentence. 用thieves and robbers造句挺难的
  7. To be vilified and dragged out in front of the public as thieves and robber barons is tough.
  8. But no special measures threaten the army of foreign thieves and robbers who routinely prey on travelers and tourists.
  9. In August 1798 he interrogated a custodian and initiated the smashing of the " Big Franconian Thieves and Robber Gang ".
  10. It would be fair to minor criminals _ thieves and robbers who have been tried for stealing a bicycle or stealing some money.
  11. Vlad, on whom the fictional Count Dracula is loosely based, is a symbol of rough justice because he impaled thieves and robbers.
  12. Instead, the people who committed unlawful acts were forced to pay fines in gold, except for thieves and robbers who were executed.
  13. Whenever a chief would appear from among them, he would be cut down till the last of them would turn thieves and robbers ."
  14. In a name : The Enfield ( Conn . ) Society for the Detection of House Thieves and Robbers was founded more than a century ago.
  15. Vlad, on whom it is believed the fictional Count Dracula is based, is a symbol of rough justice because he impaled thieves and robbers.
  16. Orta also described plants of forensic importance such as the use of " Datura " used by thieves and robbers to poison their victims.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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  10. "thieves clothes"造句

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